MasterEmaco T1061
This product is available in West Virgina only!

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MasterEmaco T 1061 is a cement-based mortar which is one-component, and shrinkage-compensated. It has an extended working time. T1061 is meant for repairing horizontal concrete surfaces.

 • Interior and exterior
 • Horizontal surfaces
 • Applications requiring high early-strength gain
 • Structural concrete repairs
 • Partial and full-depth repairs
 • Extended working time
 • Extra low permeability helps minimize chloride intrusion
 • Rapid-setting for quick turn-around repairs
 • Low residual moisture, can be coated in as little as 6 hours
 • Excellent resistance to freeze/thaw cycling
 • Shrinkage compensated, minimizing cracking from drying shrinkage, reducing stress at the bond line
 • Can be placed neat up to 2″  thickness
 • Can be extended up to 100% by weight, providing higher yields
 • Proprietary cement blend bonds to carbonated and noncarbonated concrete substrates
  YIELD:  0.43 ft3  per 50 lb